Job Hunting

Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Well, the job interview didn’t happen.  Due to technical difficulties, it has been rescheduled for later this week.  It was supposed to have been a telephone interview, but the recruiter never called.  Finally, Mr. Struggle called her, only to hear that she had tried and gotten a busy signal.  Not sure what’s up with that; there was no one here to be talking on the phone. (We’re wondering if there were some glitches in the phone lines due to recent storms in the area.)  At any rate, she didn’t have time to conduct the interview when they did speak, so she is supposed to call back later this week.  Doesn’t sound very promising, does it?  We have moved on to other companies and have been working on several other job applications. 
Mr. Struggle’s job hunting affects my job search, too.  Now that he’s decided to interview for out-of-town positions, I am trying to figure out whether I should suspend or continue my job search.  I would feel dishonest accepting a permanent position knowing that we might be moving soon, should Mr. Struggle receive a good offer.  Yet I can’t look for jobs in other towns, not knowing where we might end up.  I’ve decided I either need to look for temporary positions here in town, or full-time positions with excellent benefits to make up for the sorry benefit package provided by Mr. Struggle’s job, and then just plan to stay here.

We’ve both agreed the job search is going on the back burner for the rest of this month.  We’ve just got way too much going on to add any more stress to the mix.  Things will slow down in a few weeks and we’ll pick it up again. 

Here’s the breakdown for the past week:

Carryover balance:  $363.08

Expenses:          $ 58.53 groceries
                              19.28 household supplies & OTC medication
                              50.35 lawn and garden supplies
                              41.44 shoes and clothing
                              30.50 used books
                                5.39 fast food

Current balance: $327.12

I never transferred any money into savings last week, because I realized we were going to need quite a bit extra for gifts and groceries this week, what with Mother’s Day, Miss Struggle2’s graduation, and buying extra groceries since the kids will be home from school.   

The garden supplies were vegetable plants, fertilizer and weed killer for the lawn.  We only bought weed killer for the front lawn, but may go back for more later.  We also will need to purchase some annuals for the border that runs along our front sidewalk.  I don’t have the time or the money to mess with it this week, but will try to get to it with the next paycheck.  Gardening  can be an expensive hobby and we do have a rather large yard to manage.  We could let all this go, but if Mr. Struggle found a job and we needed to sell the house, the yard would need to look appealing.

One of our other purchases, the used books, serves two purposes.  Mr. Struggle and I both read daily and like to collect the books of favorite authors.  We also give books on gift occasions frequently, especially to our children.  The books we bought this week were from a large used-book sale that takes place annually in our community.  Besides providing some great deals on books, it also gives us a chance to support a charitable cause through our purchases.

What hobbies do you spend your money on, and have you found a way to economize while still enjoying it?

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Struggle Family Members

  • Mrs. Struggle: early-50’s, mother of three, college graduate, freelancer
  • Mr. Struggle: mid-50’s, father of three, college graduate, looking for full-time work
  • Miss S1: working out-of-state and applying to more grad schools
  • Miss S2: under-employed college graduate and boomerang child
  • Struggle, Jr. : university sophomore
  • Princess Struggle: mixed-breed, middle-class mutt